Meet Gei's

Anne King

Senior Biologist

Anne is a wildlife biologist, specializing in ornithology, with 25 years of professional experience. Early in her career, she worked for a non-profit bird research and conservation organization. Since shifting to environmental consulting, Anne has expanded her experience to include special-status amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. In the middle of her career, she took a break from consulting to co-manage a bird observatory in northwestern Australia and travel through Central and South America.

Anne has spent more than 15 years serving as project manager and/or biological task leader for numerous large-scale flood control projects in the Sacramento Valley and a variety of water resources projects throughout California. She has led many programs involving biological surveys and monitoring, endangered species permitting, and construction, and she has authored more than a hundred CEQA/NEPA biological resources analyses. She is also an accomplished CEQA project manager and has overseen preparation of many EIR’s, SEIR’s, Initial Studies, and Mitigated Negative Declarations.

Anne has extensive experience working closely with clients and design teams to balance project needs with biological resource and permitting opportunities and constraints. She has prepared permit applications and supporting documentation and engaged in agency consultation for many projects, to ensure compliance with federal and state Endangered Species Acts and obtain take authorization for listed species. Anne has also been responsible for developing and implementing Habitat Conservation Plans and biological mitigation programs and has assisted with developing resource management plans and habitat restoration planning and implementation.


San Diego, California


  • Professional and recreational field experience with avifauna of 40 countries, primarily in the Americas, Caribbean, and Australia
  • Proficient in songbird monitoring methods, including mist netting, banding, and standardized surveys