Meet Gei's

Craig Wolf

Senior Aquatic Ecologist/Limnologist

Craig is an aquatic ecologist with over 20 years of experience in limnology and stream ecology. Craig’s expertise includes field sampling a wide variety of lotic and lentic habitats to gain a better understanding of biological responses to water quality and physical habitat conditions.  He has developed a thorough understanding of statistical and mathematical approaches and incorporated this knowledge into ecological models quantifying physical habitat for fish, nutrient dynamics, and primary production in lakes and reservoirs. His understanding of watershed issues from both a water quantity and water quality perspective has allowed him to integrate these issues and help find solutions to meet the client’s needs. Craig has collaborated with a variety of stakeholder groups to develop study plans, monitoring programs, and management plans, and has provided expert testimony on site-specific regulatory issues and the development of water quality standards to protect beneficial uses.

Craig has a M.S. in Ecology from Texas Tech University and a B.S. in Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology from the University of Colorado.

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Denver, Colorado