David Terry, P.G., LEP
Principal, Vice PresidentDavid Terry is an environmental consultant and past member of GEI’s Board of Directors. Since 1999, Mr. Terry has been a client account manager, team leader, and strategic consultant for GEI’s utility client portfolio. He has spent over 20 years assembling and directing multi-disciplinary project teams to assess, design, and implement solutions to complex DNAPL related problems under state and federal (CERCLA and RCRA) regulatory programs. For the past 15 years, Mr. Terry has been integral in advising clients technical, legal, and corporate management teams on how best to manage their environmental liabilities. Since 2007, Mr. Terry has been advising clients on managing their liabilities for CERCLA sediment sites involving multiple PRPs
Mr. Terry has been responsible for guiding and conducting hundreds of Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) projects throughout the Eastern United States. He has also been responsible for designing and managing site remediation projects, risk exposure assessments, and assisting clients in evaluating financial liability allocations at sites involving multiple PRPs.
Mr. Terry’s technical expertise is derived through his educational background as a geologist and a hydrogeologist and through a career spent evaluating and remediating contaminated sites. Working closely with corporate and outside counsel, as well as financial experts, Mr. Terry has used his technical abilities to develop corporate-level strategic decision-making frameworks and liability management approaches.
Dave is a top strategic and analytical thinker. He is in the top of his field technically and demands the highest quality. Dave is extremely passionate about his work and is very client focused. Experienced with the most difficult of environmental problems in demanding political environments.- Dave Work, P.E., PMP, Director, Power Contracts & Tariffs at New York Power Authority
Hartford , Connecticut
- Licensed Environmental Professional: CT
- Licensed Professional Geologist: PA
- Jon Williams, Amber Ahles, Dave Terry, Paul Jansen, Gary Rozmus, and Gaylen Brubaker (GEI Consultants, Inc.), Kevin McCarty (Integral Consulting), Tracey Bell (NYC Economic Development Corp.) 2017. Solidification of Purifier Waste: Novel Approach with Novel Challenges. The 7th International Symposium on the Redevelopment of Manufactured Gas Plant Sites; MGP 2017; October 16-18, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Terry, David, S. Canton, T. Bell. 2008. Stressor Identification – a Key Step in Evaluation of an MGP-Affected Urban Waterway. Third International Symposium and Exhibition on the Redevelopment of Manufactured Gas Plant Sites (MGP 2008). Mystic, Connecticut.
- O’Neil, Matthew, J. Parillo, D. Terry, W. Ryan, T. Leissing, S. Carter, G. Cross, A. Omorogbe. 2008. Evaluation of the Hydrologic Effects of Oxygen Injection for Biostimulation in an Upper Glacial Aquifer on Long Island. 2008 NGWA Conference on Eastern Regional Ground Water Issues. National Ground Water Association.
- Marando, Michael, D. Terry, J. Collins, D. Unites, A. Prophete, T. Bell. 2006. Real-Time Naphthalene Monitoring Using an Ultra Fast Gas Chromatograph. Water Environment Federation. WEF/AWWA Odors and Air Emissions 2006.
- Terry, David, K.M. Egers, 1996. Final Report for the Western Maryland Watershed Liming Pilot Study. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Chesapeake Bay Research and Monitoring Division CBRM-AD-94-6.