Drew Sutton, AICP
CEQA/NEPA Practice Leader/Senior Project ManagerDrew is an Environmental Planner with experience in CEQA and NEPA environmental analysis and documentation, and planning-oriented public outreach. Drew’s CEQA and NEPA practice emphasizes large, complex projects, ranging from flood control improvements to comprehensive plans, large development projects, and renewable energy projects. Integrating and streamlining CEQA and NEPA review and complex regulatory permitting requirements is critical on these multi-faceted projects. Drew’s technical focus is on geology and hazardous materials investigation and remediation, and his environmental review experience includes the full range of topic areas, from air quality and climate change to utilities.
Drew is also well-versed and experienced with the CEQA statutes and State CEQA Guidelines, NEPA Council on Environmental Quality Regulations, USACE NEPA implementing guidelines and regulations and environmental permitting processes. He has experience with numerous multi-faceted projects involving the Federal ESA and CESA, Sections 404 and 401 of the CWA, Section 106 of the NHPA, Section 408 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, CDFW Section 1600 Permits and numerous other Federal, State, regional and local laws, regulations and ordinances.
Drew has a M.C.R.P. in City and Regional Planning from the University of Texas at Arlington and a B.A. in Geosciences from Williams College.
Sacramento, California
- APA Sacramento Valley Section
- American Institute of Certified Planners, Member