Meet Gei's

Eric Englund

Staff Professional

Eric Englund is a staff professional in GEI’s Green Bay, WI. He has over 12 years of experience with the last 8 focused on the energy industry related to environmental regulatory compliance. His project experience has addressed the environmental challenges that face fossil fuel production facilities, transmission line infrastructure development, and solar field design and construction, among others. He also strives to grow new business areas, mentor junior staff, and build new and existing client relationships. By working diligently to build positive working relationships, reducing overall project costs, producing high quality deliverables, and surpassing overall expectations, he has been able to share in the GEI team’s success and growth.

Challenges to revitalizing your urban waterway – and how you can overcome them

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Green Bay, Wisconsin


  • Society of Wetland Scientists Wetland: Professional in Training
  • Society of Wetland Scientists: Member