Hannah Dunn
Wildlife BiologistHannah Dunn is a wildlife biologist for GEI’s environmental planning group with over 8 years of professional experience. She performs various biological monitoring and biological field surveys for nesting birds, bats, special-status species, rare plants, as well as tree inventories. She enforces permit compliance during project construction and performs worker environmental awareness trainings before construction begins. Ms. Dunn trains staff in biological field work, as well as leads and coordinates field efforts. She has extensive experience working in the greater Sacramento area and the central valley and is well-versed in wildlife species that occur there.
Hannah is a certified Associate Wildlife Biologist through the Wildlife Society, a Yolo HCP/NCCP Qualified Biologist through the Yolo Habitat Conservancy, as well as an active holder of a Scientific Collecting Permit through California Department of Fish and Wildlife. She has several United States Fish and Wildlife Service-approved hours towards handling and/or survey of special-status species, including western yellow-billed cuckoo, California red-legged frog, California tiger salamander, giant kangaroo rat, Antelope squirrel, and western pond turtle. Hannah also has extensive experience with Swainson’s hawk nesting and other migratory bird surveys.
Ms. Dunn also assists senior wildlife biologists with producing documents for CESA, FESA, and Fish and Game Code compliance, including biological assessments, incidental take permits, long-term management plans, and habitat conservation plans. She also assists in writing biological sections within CEQA/NEPA documents, various technical memos, mitigation monitoring reports, end-of-year compliance reports, and feasibility studies.
Sacramento, California
- Certified Associate Wildlife Biologist
- Yolo HCP/NCCP Qualified Biologist
- Scientific Collecting Permit holder