Meet Gei's

Mark Fortner, P.E., P.L.S.

Senior Consultant

Mr. Fortner has over 30 years of broad civil engineering experience in the fields of hydrology and hydraulics for flood control, dam safety, water supply, and water resource management. His work includes providing services to irrigation districts, reclamation districts, water companies, large and small agricultural businesses, gravel operators, state and county agencies

He has performed hydraulic analysis on dam spillways including acting has hydraulic lead for the Oroville Spillway Recovery Project. He has also recently coordinated the hydraulic design on the secondary spillway at New Bullards Bar using CFD Flow3D models and physical models. Hydrology work includes analysis and development of improved operations for snow melt runoff forecasting of the Feather, Yuba, and Merced watersheds using the USGS –PRMS model. Mr. Fortner has conducted hydrologic, hydraulic analyses for PMF spillway analysis, dam break, and for a variety of projects incompliance with FERC, DSOD and California OES guidelines.

Mr. Fortner is the District Engineer for Bethel Island Municipal Improvement District(BIMID) in the California Delta. As the District Engineer he is involved with coordinating local improvement  for sewer, storm drain , roads and flood protection .He also advises the BIMID board of trustees on Delta policy and local grants through the county and state agencies.


Sacramento, California


  • Licensed Professional Engineer: CA