Meet Gei's

Steven Canton

Vice President

Steven Canton has more than 42 years of professional experience in the design of aquatic evaluation programs, field sampling of aquatic habitats, water quality/biological data analysis and statistical analysis of stressor effects. He is a recognized expert in water quality effects on aquatic life and frequently provides expert testimony and support for regulatory water quality hearings, environmental assessments and ambient water quality standards development.

Steven had an integral role in developing GEI’s national Natural Resources and helped create GEI’s Aquatic Laboratory where analyses are regularly conducted on aquatic macroinvertebrates and zooplankton, whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing, nutrient analysis and various EPA approved water quality analyses. He has completed project work in more than 30 states. He has also provided peer review for selenium effects issues near coal mining sites in British Columbia (on behalf of the BC Ministry of the Environment), peer reviewed new molybdenum water quality standards on behalf of the International Molybdenum Association and provides technical review of water quality issues for the National Mining Association.

Originally from Minnesota, Steven spent most of his professional career in Colorado, only recently moving to southwest Florida. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology from St Olaf College, Northfield MN, and a Master of Science in Zoology, specializing in Stream Ecology/Limnology, from Colorado State University, Ft Collins, CO in 1976.

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Denver, Colorado


  • Certified Emeritus Senior Ecologist - Ecological Society of America