Graphic of machines and gears

Thought Leadership

How Effective Maintenance Management Can Save You Time and Money

May 29, 2024
Aerial photo of coal facility

Thought Leadership

Regulatory Requirements and Deadlines – Why Electric Utilities Should Start Planning for the U.S. EPA Coal Combustion Residual Rule Change Now (Part 2)

May 13, 2024
Coal facility

Thought Leadership

How Electrical Utilities Should Prepare for the Updated Coal Combustion Residual Rule (Part 1)

April 25, 2024
Men in chairs at table playing a board game

Thought Leadership

How to “level up” your Dam Safety Practices with Serious Games

April 4, 2024
Stream in Ontario

Thought Leadership

Ontario Gets Specific on Defining Watercourses: Why Is That Important to Your Projects?

April 1, 2024
Watercourse in Ontario

Thought Leadership

Ontario’s Conservation Authorities Act is Now Clearer. Why Clarity on Associated Regulations Matters.

February 26, 2024
White bird on fenced stand in lake

Thought Leadership

What is Lake Management and How Can It Benefit Your Community?

December 13, 2023
Ecologist installing a bat detector on a tree

Thought Leadership

Why Canadian Developers Should Pay Attention to the Potential Uplisting of Migratory Bats

November 13, 2023
Car traffic on city streets

Thought Leadership

The Traffic Challenge: How Asset Management Can Support Sustainable Traffic Solutions for Your Communities

October 23, 2023
Aerial photo of failed dam

Thought Leadership

Non-Seismic Liquefaction: What it is and how dam owners can reduce their risk

October 10, 2023
Men in suits having a discussion at a conference

Thought Leadership

What Will Canada’s Yet-to-be-Named Restoration Program Mean for Great Lakes Project Funding?

September 12, 2023
Sunrise Over A Great Lake

Thought Leadership

Will Politics Stand in the Way of Continued Project Funding for Great Lakes Restoration?

September 11, 2023