GEI to Present at SETAC
Event Date: November 4-8GEI will be attending and presenting at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 39th Annual Meeting, November 4-8, 2018, at the Sacramento Convention Center in Sacramento, CA. SETAC is dedicated to the management and regulation of natural resources, research and development and environmental education.
Visit us at Booth #313.
The following GEI professionals will be presenting and exhibiting:
Derivation and Application of Thresholds for Metals Using Bioavailability-Based Approaches
Monday November 5, 10:00 a.m.
Bob Gensemer
Moving Forward: Implementation of Tissue-Based Selenium Criteria in Absence of Guidance
Wednesday November 7, 1:40 p.m.
Sarah Skigen-Caird, Suzanne Pargee, and Steve Canton
Data derived from heterogeneous Stock Cultures Linger in Criteria Database
Dan Guth, Suzanne Pargee, and Steve Canton
Reassessment of Molybdenum Criteria Based on New Toxicity Data on Tubifex tubifex
Bolor Bertelmann, Suzanne Pargee, and Steve Canton
USEPA’s Current Ceriodaphnia dubia WET Method and Other Applications to Better Understand Toxicity to Aquatic Life at Complex Sites
Natalie Love and Sarah Skigen-Caird
Improving Communication Between the WET Laboratory and Regulatory Authority
Natalie Love and Sarah Skigen-Caird
An Evaluation of Perfluoralkyl substances-based Fish Consumption Advisories in North America
Ryan Holem
For more information – and to register – visit