Press Release

GEI’s Cam Davis Elected as a Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Commissioner

February 15, 2019

Chicago, IL – Cam Davis a GEI Vice President, was recently elected as a Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Commissioner. He and eight other part-time commissioners oversee one of the largest municipal water resource agencies in the world, with an annual budget of $1.1 billion and some 2,000 staff. Cam began his journey as a write-in candidate in January 2018 at the behest of local leaders who recognized his long-standing role in promoting Great Lakes Water Quality. The results of this primary election allowed Cam to be on the ballot in the November election. He won the election by receiving approximately 1.1 million (75%) of votes. He was sworn into office December 4, 2018.

The agency serves more than 5 million people in the second largest county in the U.S., focusing on water treatment, traditional and green infrastructure, and other efforts to protect public health.