GEI has supported clients with meeting façade safety requirements for decades. We perform comprehensive inspections of exterior building envelopes and structural systems to inform repair and rehabilitation decisions and ensure that owners maintain compliance with NYC FISP.
GEI’s structural engineers and architects provide building envelope design services that include façade repairs, window replacements, and waterproofing for roofs, plazas, and parking garages. We offer professional services in structural engineering design, construction administration, testing and instrumentation, evaluation and restoration of building facades, NYC FISP reports, envelopes and waterproofing, and feasibility studies and reports. In addition, our expert services include investigation, load testing, evaluation of distressed structures, and litigation support.
Design Services
GEI offers a full range of structural analysis and design services for new and existing structures. Our expertise includes the repair and rehabilitation of existing structures, including renovations and historic restorations. We also specialize in foundation design, design of special structures, seismic analysis and retrofit design, impact/blast analysis and design, building facades and curtain walls, stone, terracotta and masonry, roofing and waterproofing, and window replacement design.
Investigation and Forensic Services
GEI’s structural engineers provide a variety of investigation and forensic services, including failure investigations and reports, forensic engineering, evaluation of existing structures, condition surveys, feasibility studies, underpinning problems, adjacent construction issues, settlement problems, construction-related claims, and expert witness and litigation support. GEI also conducts shoring/re-shoring analysis of multi-story buildings, formwork failure investigations, and formwork troubleshooting. GEI personnel are members of technical committees of the American Concrete Institute, and the NYC Structural Building Code Committee participating in the development of codes and standards for the construction industry.
Testing Services
Our services include instrumentation and testing and monitoring of existing conditions to identify structural distress and defects and water’s point of entry. We are well versed in the use of state-of-the-art non-destructive testing technology to identify structure distress and water leak locations and waterproofing membrane failures.
Environmental Structures
GEI specializes in the design and investigation and rehabilitation of public commercial buildings and environmental structures, including water supply structures, water treatment plants, sewer systems, marine structures, and other marine related structures. Members of our team are active participants in professional organizations which develop codes and standards for the design and evaluation of environmental structures, including the ACI 350 Code for Environmental Engineering Structures.