Thought Leadership
Susan B Boyle Discusses the Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA) for New Jersey Business Magazine
November 16, 2017Susan Boyle was interviewed by New Jersey Business Magazine to discuss the Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA). The SRRA was signed in 2009 and fully implemented in 2012. The goal of the SRRA is to increase the pace of environmental remediation work and decrease the threat of contamination. See the full article here
About Susan Boyle:
Susan Boyle has more than 30 years of experience specializing in hazardous site remediation, hazardous waste facility siting, brownfields redevelopment, regulatory compliance, New Jersey’s Site Remediation Reform Act and the Licensed Site Remediation Professional process and New Jersey’s Spill Act, liability management, waste management and sustainability. Susan’s national reputation in remediation and redevelopment stems from her 25+ year career at New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) where she, among other positions, served as Assistant Commissioner for Site Remediation.