GEI’s scientists and engineers collaborate to help our clients prepare, plan, and respond efficiently to PFAS.
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a family of man-made fluorinated organic compounds. Historically, PFAS have been used in industrial, commercial, and consumer applications including firefighting foams, cookware, metal plating, food packaging, and stain protection coating.
Regulators and the public are paying more attention to these ‘forever chemicals’, because PFAS have become a significant global environmental concern due to their persistence and potential risks to human health.
GEI’s PFAS experts provide practical, innovative solutions built on leading-edge regulatory, scientific, and engineering expertise. We recognize the complex challenges posed by PFAS releases, including their persistence, specialized sampling requirements, the formation of commingled plumes complicating source identification, and the heightened public concern and regulatory scrutiny they receive.
We have delivered PFAS services to a range of public and private clients (including law firms, utilities, oil & gas, and Superfund responsible parties), spanning sectors such as water resources, energy, community development, manufacturing, transportation, and environmental remediation.
GEI does not work for any of the major PFAS manufacturers, and thus has no conflicts of interest with regards to those manufacturers when assessing the sources, presence, extent, or potential risks associated with environmental releases of PFAS compounds.

GEI’s environmental professionals helped develop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) test methods for PFAS (Methods 533 and 1633). Where PFAS is a contaminant of concern, GEI uses knowledge and experience to sample using appropriate field methods at targeted locations to support decision-making. We have first-hand experience sampling and testing for PFAS in a variety of environmental media including soil, groundwater, sediment, and fish tissue to assess the migration of PFAS from a release area to human and ecological receptors.

Site Investigation
GEI has experience investigating PFAS at numerous sites, including manufacturing facilities, spill sites, POTWs, surface water bodies, and fire training areas. We develop a conceptual site model based on lithology and hydraulic parameters to determine the likely contaminant distribution and migratory pathways relative to areas for new construction and/or acquisition. Our hydrogeologic investigations and fate and transport studies collect data that ultimately support risk assessments, remedial design, and construction – beginning with the likely endpoints in mind.

Advisory Services
GEI remains at the forefront of evolving knowledge and regulatory interpretations concerning the occurrence and toxicity of emerging contaminants. Our environmental professionals support regulatory agencies and trade associations to prioritize and develop guidelines for environmental practitioners and the regulated community. We are active with subcommittees, such as ITRC, that focus on PFAS field sampling procedures, fate and transport, laboratory methods and certification, and risk communications.

Treatment and Remediation
GEI has extensive experience in designing and implementing innovative remediation technologies, utilizing a life-cycle approach to minimize total cost of ownership. Our team has collectively completed over 150 remedial designs. By focusing on the end-use and consulting with our clients, we can determine which alternative allows for the highest and best use of the site. We are attuned to “typical” PFAS treatment technologies such as activated carbon, ion exchange resins, and reverse osmosis as well as developing technologies such as SAFF, SCWO, electrochemical oxidation, and others. Combining unit operations, our design teams identify the most effective treatment trains to meet discharge standards while controlling both capital and operating costs.